Saturday, August 28, 2010

For a couple of weeks now I have been reading from the book of Jeremiah and God has been speaking into my present situation, giving me revelation on faith and trust in God’s bigger plan.

Here is just a little background about Jeremiah; he was known as the “weeping prophet” in a time when nations were falling apart because of sin and was not particularly favourable in the public eye. He was young when God first called him saying, “Do not say ‘I am only a child.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you.” (Jeremiah 1v7) God had set Jeremiah apart to be someone that would be His voice to nations. He had few friends but the friends he had were significant. He loved and feared the Lord and when the Lord said, “Get yourself ready! Stand up and say to [the nations] whatever I command you. Do not be terrified by them, or I will terrify you before them.”Jeremiah answered the call.

So I was reading through and when I got to chapter 12 where Jeremiah asks God a question that I have been really struggling with, “Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why do all the faithless live at ease?”(Jeremiah 12v1)I moved to the other side of the planet in faith to follow you, I have had to fight every step of the way to get here and now that I am here I have to fight to stay hre. Why is it that people that aren’t living for you have so much and seem to have no worries in the world and here I am, doing what you asked me to do and I don’t even have enough sponsorship to make next months’ rent. What God responded really gave me a huge shift in my perspective.

God’s Answer was, “If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses?
If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan?”(Jeremiah 12v5) He goes on to speak of the evil times they were in when family was betraying family and people have turned to their sin and there was no consideration for God. He was saying that look around you! How do you think that you will survive this sinful world if I don't challenge you to better yourself. If you are going to go where I have called you to go, then you will have to be mentally, physically, and spiritually mature. Those men that have it easy are not going anywhere, they are not wanting to be challenged or changed to be better people and they are certainly not bringing glory to God.

When I first started this journey with God I didn’t know exactly what I was getting into but I definitely didn’t think that one of my biggest struggles would be trusting God with finances. I figured that it would just fall into place and God would do all the work. I have learned that God uses the situations we are in to expand our knowledge of who God is and who we are and how we are to work together. God does not put us through trails because he is mean or angry but because He wants to strengthen us for the times we are in.

Growth in our relationship with God requires uncomfortable moments where we depend completely on Him. A problem we have in the western world is that we don’t think we need God. We try so hard to have the latest and the best things so we can feel good about ourselves but God is the only one that can satisfy our souls. Living a life devoted to Jesus is in no way easy, but it is completely rewarding and worth it. God is using the troubles of today to prepare us for what is ahead. God knows what is coming way before you even have a clue, so learn to trust in God’s work.

For God will work all things together for those who love Him.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Prayer Requests

I have plans on staffing a Youth With A Mission base in Australia for two years. I will be serving this missions organization with anything from office administration to cleaning. This is an amazing opportunity for growth in my relationship with God and to learn how to disciple others. In prayer please hold up my fellow staff members and myself as we prepare to leave our homes and walk out what God has set before us.
These seem to be our greatest struggles so please pray for breakthrough in the following areas:

-That FBI checks will come in for my friends so they can get a Australian Visa.
-Finances. Pray that all 8 of us get our funding in time for mid-August

More then Conquerors

Have you ever had those nights that you are so tired that all you want to do is hit the pillow and instantly fall asleep? Well tonight was one of those nights, but it’s also one of those nights that the moment your mind is finally silenced, God speaks so loud and clear that there is no way that you are going to get that long awaited sleep until you put what God is say down on paper or tell someone. So for the sake of my sanity, I want to share what God has been speaking to me since I got off the plane home and hope that it encourages you.

It all started with Psalm 1

"Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, or stand in the way of sinners, or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in his law he meditates day and night. HE IS LIKE A TREE PLANTED BY STREAMS OF WATER, WHICH YEILDS ITS FRUIT IN SEASON. AND WHO’S LEAF DO NOT WITHER. WHATEVER HE DOES PROSPERS... for the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will parish.”

What God has shown me is that we can be joyful in every season of our life.
Not long after coming home from DTS I drifted from God and thought that it was because I was no longer surrounded by ahhhmazing- God focussed pretty people lol. Difficulties that I am sure you all know, started to arise. I became angry, frustrated and bitter towards God. As my situation went from bad to really bad I caved in and seriously wanted to move up north. I was broken, crying out for God and showed me that He does not need a crowd or require the right surroundings but rather demand a humble, broken, contrite heart.

I had fallen so far from God that it seemed not even His grace was near me.
I spent the next day in Ottawa trying to get my RCMP check with no luck. After giving up I went home. I was pulling into my driveway I saw my friends car. My friend felt that God wanted him to come and encourage me. He started to speak truth, it brought much need conviction and for the first time I saw my situation through the perspective that God is always good and faithful and stopped defining God by my circumstances.

One thing that my friend said that stood out to me was that if you can’t feel God then it’s probably because He is where He wants YOU to be, therefore MOVE!

My friend left and I went to my room and silenced my mind and heart and wanted to hear what God was saying. I remember the moment that I surrendered. I said, “I give up, I don’t want to be where you aren’t. If this means that I serve coffee at a job I dread going to everyday then I’ll do it. I refuse to live one more day without the peace that I am exactly where you want me.” To be honest I really grieved the loss of my self-ambition but I needed to move in the direction of humility and complete surrender to the will of God.

I knew God still wants me to go back to staff but I didn’t know how but it was going to be God’s way and God’s glory.

After my heart was corrected things started to just happen. I had finally found a place in Ottawa that did RCMP checks and only five days after I received it in the mail! Also, I had to change the date of my flight (for the 2nd time) and instead of having to cost me money I found a cheaper flight that is actually going to save me money!

I’m not all the way there yet but I know that it IS going to happen. I will not be discouraged but empowered. The miracle is not that God will take you out of tough situations but that God is with you from beginning to end using it to mould and grow you.

We are created to be more than conquerors!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Paul`s Vision and His Thorn

Paul was a man that knew the ways of God, who walked with God and lived a life of excitment, travel, adventure but he remained humble and never boasted.
Paul also allowed God to refine him in his weakness. May of times in my life I have gotten angry at God when in troubled waters but Paul had it right; he allowed God to become his strength in his storms.
2 Corinthians
9 `` grace is sufficiant for you, for my power is made perfect in your weakness...``
When we are weak and we choose to still worship God then we have truely brought glory to God. Also in our weakness we learn so much about ourselves and can hear from God more clearly.
We get lost every easily when we allow ourselves to be lead by our emotions. I am not saying that emotions are bad, actually God created them, but we need to raise them up to the truth. Every morning we would all have to get up early to do devotions and worship, there were plenty of mornings that my heart was just not into it but as I pushed through and worshiped God because He is God, there was breakthrough.
In one of these moments this is what God told me...
When you feel the most helpless, alone, and at the end of your rop, cry out to me! There is no hole deep enough that can keep me from you. I will carry you on wings like eagles, I will be your shelter from the storm, I will be your strength amist the battle, for when you are weak my strength will come to you like the winds.

I'm Back...

Sorry, it has been too long! I was unable to blog during my outreach to Southeast Asia due to security reasons, then I have been adjusting to being back home in Canada, which has been a mission in it's self. But I am glad to say that I am back!
I have learned so much about God, relationships, and myself in the last couple of months that it would take forever to blog about it, so I will just give you the highlights and future hopes...
I have learned that you will learn so much more is a place of discomfort and personal struggles then you will ever learn from hearing about it from others, so firstly I would like to encourage you to put yourself into an uncomfortable place. It is in our weakness that God becomes known. This was what I learned my first couple days in Asia. I spent a couple of days overwhelmed with the situation that the locals have to face. Issues like human trafficing, sex trade, violence are to be seen everywhere. The value of an individual has a price in these countries. Knowing the value that Christ puts on all of our lives makes these issues that much more heart-breaking. I could not wrap my head around it and all I could do was cry. I was in my room for 3days with no food and all I could do was stare at the wall and it felt like I had lost my ability to process. By the third day I finally had breakthrough. God has reveiled to me what my purpose was for this season; it was to give all that I have to the poor and that generosity leads to equality.
2 Corinthians 8
9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for YOUR sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty, might become rich.
13-15Our desire is not that others might become relieved while you are hard-pressed, but that there might be equality. At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty may supply your need. Then there will be equality, as it is written: "He who has gathered much dd not have too much, and he that gathered little did not have too little."
So after reading that I had to ask the question, "well how much Lord? How much am I suppose to give?"
Give all of yourself to the poor but know that to give all of yourself you must have enough to sustain yourself. Give till it hurts but stop before it kills you.
One night after a day full of ministry in Asia, three friends and I went out for supper to a local restaurant. We sat down at a table that was open to the street. As we were waiting for our meal, street kids were coming up to tourists (including us) begging for money. I was overwhelmed again by to degree of poverty in this nation. We were all challenged with this question of what do we do? How do we effect change in this situation. My friend sitting across from me had a reply that still challenges me and I will never forget. He said," Jesus never turned a person in need away, yet gave all that he had (including his life) to them."
Wow! After that I approached every situation with this as my foundation. If we give all that we have to a person in need, we have not only anwsered their physical need but we have shown them to love of Christ! I have learned the generosity is a lot more than meeting peoples physical needs but it is also about feeding them spiritually.
There is no formula or set steps to what we must give but the answer is to keep your heart open to God and to each other always.
Also sometimes the things that we are most desperate for, is the very thing that we are meant to give to others.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


This is a word that as the church we tend to throw around a whole lot, but how many actually understand what it means and furthermore live a life seeking it? I have been challenged with this most of my Christian life. I figured that it was an unattainable standard that was used to make us feel condemned because of our sin. Also with the term I tend to think of it as a status or a system that we use to rank people. So basically, I buried this notion of striving to be righteous in the very depths of my mind, closed that door and tried to veil it as ignorance so I would not have to be burdened with this obligation which I could never complete. I was happy with this order of things, it made everything controllable, clean, and comfortable but the beauty of a growing relationship with the Father is that he ever so loves me that He always allows past issues to surface. He led me to the parable of the Two Sons...

“What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, ‘Son, go and work today in the vineyard.’

‘I will not,” he answered, but later he changed his mind and went.

Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered, ‘I will, sir,’ but he did not go.

Which of the two did what his father wanted?”“The first,” they answered.

Jesus said to them, “I tell you the truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you. For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him.

Jesus was in a temple speaking to the chief priests and I love how he starts with a question. He is encouraging them to look inward at themselves. How they answered the question speaks loud and clears of the state of their heart; and of mine. I can admit that I would have chosen similar but right after that thought God spoke to me and said, “I am looking for hearts that are willing to seek after me.” I always assumed that the most important thing was doing what God asks of me but He really convicted me; God is seeking to change our hearts. There is no value in the acts that we do if we are not first seek to glorify God. My next question was, well how do I do that?
Righteousness cannot be earned because I cannot do it in my strength. The good thing about this is that when you allow Jesus to take you into the depths of your being and allow Him to transform your heart, he can make you righteous. All that he asks of us is to respond to his prompting, invite him into your life and seek him with all your heart, mind and soul. Righteousness is made beautiful by its simplicity; it means to live a life that is pleasing to God. It does not give you status; it will not make you invincible but rather it will break you and bring you to your knees. When you realize that it is not about you but about what He did. Amen!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


God showed me the pattern of my life; that I always choose the path that is the easiest, the path that has the fastest outcome and the path that I know I can do in my own strength. I have been shown that there is no glory for God in that, I was being selfish and was only seeking self gratification. I had taken the things that God had given me, that He intended to work with me and I just took it and tried to do it in my own strength. When God showed me this He reminded me of the youth church that my youth group had tried to start a couple of years ago and how discouraged in God when it didn’t work out. I had played the blame game and had blamed everyone else but did not look inward to find the truth. Then this week we have been talking about destiny and God reminded me of this and I really felt convicted about my sin that had played a part. God was showing me that my pride and laziness had played a huge part in why the church felt like a failure. I was counting on the church to boost my image and pride and was not concerned with what God really thought. God had included me in His dream for the youth of this town and I totally ignored Him and was more concerned with me than giving glory to God. I had made it a personal burden and by having that view I completely poisoned it and sucked the life out of something that was meant to bring life. The great thing about God is that He is patient and He is kind, He forgives and brings freedom. He does not bring to light the faults in our lives to bring shame or guilt but brings things to the light so that we can be set free and so we can try again. Amen. Today I heard an amazing quote that when God forgives us He takes the sin, buries it at the bottom of the ocean then sticks a sign that says “no fishing here”. I love that, when God forgives He means forever!
So the season, actually I don’t even think that this lesson is just for this season in my life but He is calling me to a life of unbound faith; the faith to believe for the impossible. God is calling me to walk the steepest path, the path that will leave me weak, bloody and desperate but it will be the most fulfilling. He is calling me to a destination that is unknown so I can appreciate the importance and the beauty of the process or journey that refines me and gives all glory to Him. Amen.
I am so ready to leave myself at the cross, pick up my mat and walk! Jesus you are all I need, you are the living water that ends all thirst. You restore your promises, you have been unrelenting in my pursuit, I am so in love with you. I am ready to tell the world of my amazing God. You are a God that loves not by feeling but by commitment. Thank you so much for loving me even when I was more in love with sin. I want to love how you love, I want to detest what you detest. You are my Abba, now and forever!
Love, Sherri.